Daily Mobility Exercises by Dr. Kelly Starrett Forums General Have I torn my right glute?

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    • #70683
      AvatarLaura Galeazzo

      Three days ago, I was doing Kelly’s Single-Leg Flexion with ER Bias stretch, with a lateral banded distraction (see picture attached).

      My right leg was forward, and my left leg was back, like in the picture.

      I’d been doing the stretch for about 2 minutes – oscillating my right hip in different direction, hunting for stiffness – when I felt something in my right hip region being pulled apart a little bit. I thought “great, my right hip has always had a very small amount of external rotation in flexion – maybe I’m finally making progress in increasing the ammount of external rotation in flexion?” so I continued to oscillated my right hip in the same area, and felt the same pulling apart sensation. A minute later, my right hip/glute region felt tender/strange when I put it under load, like at the bottom of an air squat. The next day, my right glute felt sore any time I externally rotated it whilst in flexion, and it has continued to feel sore when I utilise this position ever since. Have I torn my right glute? 🙁

      How can one heal from this injury? Like, would massaging my right glute with a lacrosse ball help it heal? kind wishes x

    • #76154
      AvatarNathan Richer

      It is possible to overdo mobilizations and actually pull a muscle. I’m not sure how aggressive you were in your hunting for stiffness but it does happen. 

      I’d leave it alone for a few days until it’s better. Smashing does create trauma to a muscle especially if you’re applying a lot of force. 
    • #76158
      AvatarLaura Galeazzo

      OK. I wasn’t being aggressive; I was being moderate, like normal.

      OK. Tomorrow it will have been one week ago. I’ve rested it completely since I hurt it last week.
      I tried externally rotating my right leg whilst in flexion just now, to see if it has healed – it  hasn’t, it hurts pretty bad in my right glute when I do this 🙁

      Any help/advice would be much appreciated x

    • #76159
      AvatarNathan Richer

      If there is pain, you should see a clinician – i know it’s probably not what you want to hear and that you’d like something to do without going to see a doc, but it would be better to get it checked out by clinician to make sure you get back to no-pain in the right way and not by a diagnosis in this forum.

    • #76180
      AvatarLaura Galeazzo

      I got an MRI done on both hips 🙂 I’ve attached the reports below.
      Any advice on what I should do, and/or what I should avoid, given the findings of the MRIs, would be appreciated 🙂
      Kind wishes

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