Daily Mobility Exercises by Dr. Kelly Starrett Forums General Hamstring strengthening choices

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    • #143094
      AvatarJustin Singh

      Hey everyone,
      I’m curious on hamstring strength demonstration like a nordic curl. Kelly favors banded hamstring lock outs in hip flexion and I use this multiple times per week, but haven’t seen TRS present hamstring strength in hip extension, is this a nice to have strength exercise or should we all be spending time developing this skill?

    • #144893
      Michael AlzheimerMichael Alzheimer

      Hey Justin,

      The banded lock outs in hip flexion and Nordic curl are both great but have different purposes. The banded hamstring lock out is about working on restoring your positions and exposure to end ranges while the Nordic curl is an exercise to build eccentric strength in the hamstring. The Nordic curl has grown in popularity as of late spurred on by a whole host of studies that have shown they are great for hamstring hypertrophy, increasing eccentric strength, improving sprinting, and reducing injury for athletes. So can be a benefit to anyone who runs fast or wants to do some hypertrophy work on their hamstrings.


    • #145367
      AvatarJustin Singh

      Hey Mike,
      Good perspective thanks for getting back to me. I had a thought that if we want to restore hip extension to our best ability we’d consider hamstring flexion, no?
      Appreciate your time

    • #147376
      Michael AlzheimerMichael Alzheimer

      Hey Justin,

      The nordic curl is more of a knee flexion exercise, with the hip staying relatively neutral. Still targeting the hamstring but not really training hip extension. The hamstrings main actions are hip extension and knee flexion. So different exercises will target these actions differently. All have a place in training, but if your goal is targeting hip extension think of things like hip hinging, lunges, bridges, GHD, etc.

    • #149408
      AvatarJustin Singh

      Cheers Mike! That’s great info, I appreciate your help

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