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    • #142669
      AvatarMatt Brahim

      I have been having hamstring pain on my left leg for a little while now. It runs on the outside of my hamstring from where my hamstring connects with my glute all the way to behind my knee and part of my peroneal. I’ve been doing a lot of the mobilizations on here and I can especially feel it when I do banded hamstring work or the hamstring flossing in Kellys warm up. All these mobilizations help but I can’t seem to get rid of the pain. Any suggestions?

    • #144872
      Michael AlzheimerMichael Alzheimer

      Hey Matt!

      Numerous reasons as to why you may be having hamstring pain but If you have been trying a lot of stretching, mobilizations, soft tissue work etc and still not finding relief there could potentially be a neurodynamic component to your issue. If you are finding there is relief from hamstring flossing that could be an indicator that this exercise is helping alleviate some of the neural tension. First you’ll want to look at how you are organizing the trunk and maintaining your positions. If you are overextended you may be putting the hamstrings in a less than desirable position so you’ll want to make sure you are in a neutral hollow position with the rib cage stacked. Next, there are several ways you can address some of the neural tension with some techniques such as tack and floss with sitting on a lacrosse ball underneath hamstrings as you extend and flex the knee and the banded hamstring flossing. Try incorporating some of the additional techniques in the video below and if they and see if you can start making progress on the issue.


    • #145014
      AvatarMatt Brahim

      Thanks Mike, I’ve done some of the mobilizations in that video but I’ll do them more consistently. Also, I have pain on the outside of my left knee when I sit indian style or when my legs are really far spread out like in the olympic squat against the wall. Any suggestions for why I’m having the pain and what to do about it? Thanks

    • #145685
      Michael AlzheimerMichael Alzheimer

      Could be that it is simply a tight hip, and the resulting lack of torque is being pushed through the knee instead. If you’re so tight you’re not flexible enough to get your knee to the ground, you end up putting some stress through the lateral part of the knee. Try doing an elevated pigeon to open up the hips and if need to take stress off the knee twist the torso away from the knee or have the foot off the table.

      Monday, June 5th, 2017 – Elevated Pigeon Game

    • #146406
      AvatarMatt Brahim

      Thank you

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