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    • #70934
      AvatarMatt Pawlowski

      I have had some groin pain during squatting, it has happened twice in the last month, the first time it seemed fine after about a week. Then just yesterday i got the same feeling while doing front squats. It is only the left leg, I am not sure what is going on, do I have a mobility issue that is causing this? My coaches at my box say that my form is fine. Yesterday i did a set of 7 reps at 135, no problem, a set of 7 at 155 no problem, a set at 175 no problem and then I did just 1 at 185 and felt it pull. any ideas are greatly appreciated.

    • #74628
      AvatarKatie Hemphill

      Hey jrobbie,

      Footage of you squatting would be very helpful here, just in case we can spot something that your coaches aren’t (no disrespect to them, obviously).
      Mobility-wise, seek the high medial hamstring / adductor area. Episode 82 has a few ideas for getting after this stuff, but it can be way sensitive. Don’t be afraid to downgrade to a softer ball, or throw a folded towel over the Olympic bar first (regarding the later mobilizations in the video).
    • #74663
      AvatarElyse Waters

      Any difference in technique when you squatted? Did you go deeper on 185, knee caved in, etc? How does internal rotation in the hip feel? Try the high hammy flossing, hip capsules mobs, maybe couch too. For me, for hip impingement pain, the hip capsule mob and the high hammy flossing gave me the best results even though it turned out I got a hip labral tear.

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