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  • Author
    • #71934
      AvatarAndrey Egorychev

      Wondering what you guys think are some good moves for after long hard runs

    • #77271
      AvatarPatrick Thomas

      Have you done a search of the episodes tab under programming for run specific episodes, diagnosis series, pro user requests, pro episodes and more?
      A place to start.

    • #87805
      AvatarDupinder Sidhu

    • #210104
      AvatarJess Wallace

      My favorites are the couch stretch and the basic low back mobilization right after a run (both can be found here – I find that after a long run I don’t want to do anything too harsh. I keep the couch stretch super easy and gently relax into it and then enjoy being on the floor for the low back mob. When I finish the low back mob, I will do legs up the wall and just relax for a few minutes to let my body down regulate. Later in the day when I’ve recovered a bit and my muscles are not so exhausted, I will do some rolling on my feet and maybe some quad smash and elevated pigeon. I will also repeat the couch stretch.

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