Daily Mobility Exercises by Dr. Kelly Starrett Forums Lifting Glute activation/asymmetry issue

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    • #71773
      AvatarLee Anne Underwood

      I am trying to solve an issue I have specifically with squats. In the bottom of my squat I occasionally have minor hip pain but it is not frequent.  I have been favoring my left leg and have been trying to get back to being balanced. My right glute seems to have trouble firing properly. When I externally rotate my femurs and squeeze my butt I can feel a deep glute contraction on the left side but on my right side it feels like I am squeezing my hip flexor/quad area. I have tried a lot of banded hip distraction exercises and can get better glute recruitment for most of the exercises but I still haven’t been able to balance out my squat. 

      Any advice?
    • #76883
      AvatarPatrick Thomas

      Glutes aren’t firing on that side because they are protecting something.
      Smash the quad & hip flexors.
      Jill Miller has a video to access the deeper layers of the glute

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