The Ready State: Mobility Training with Dr. Kelly Starrett Forums Running Foot pain during and after running

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    • #71931
      AvatarJarret Streiner

      I have been training for a marathon for the last 8 weeks.  Three runs per week; 1 track, 1 tempo, 1 long run.  After my first 10 mile run I noticed some some pain in the bottom of my right foot, from the big toe to the ankle (but not the heel bone).  Achilles is also sore.  

      Any thoughts or suggested mobility?  I wear zero drop running shoes that I really love.  I have not been a big running lately, but very athletic and have been slowly increasing my mileage.  
    • #77270
      AvatarPatrick Thomas
      Could be the increase in the amount of running as your training ramps up.
      May need to make adjustments in your warm up or in your cool down from training.
      Did this run have more hills than past routes?
      Do you have someone who can take a look at your running technique or video you running?
      Have you looked upstream of the foot?
      Some running specific episodes which may help.
      A couple which are bottom of the foot specific
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