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    • #70964
      AvatarErin Kaminsky

      Firstly greetings from England to the community!

      Now to my question. Reading through supple leopard this last week & I’ve been testing certain things from the book. My question is with the feet forwards approach.

      When I do this my knees/shins will internally rotate & I can feel the majority of my weight moves to the instep.

      I have severe plantar fasciitis which I’m attacking, my ankle mobility seems good as I can get between 5″-8″ on the wall test before my heel comes up. Same with the air squat I can get into position with feet forwards though I doubt I could with a load on my back. I’m almost certain my arches have collapsed.

      I’m feet a out squatter, even my deadlift I have to point the toes out slightly so my knees don’t cave inwards.

      I know it’s difficult to asses but can I fix this or is it just how I’m built?


      Just as a side note I have problem areas all over my lower body (from lower back to feet)

    • #74700

      Problem areas all over your lower body will impact your movement patterns.
      Your body makes compensations up/down stream which you may or may not be aware of.
      Straightish 7-11 degrees is the acceptable range.
      Episode 77: Plantar Fasciitis
      Are you seeing improvements with your plantar fasciitis?

      Are addressing anything upstream at the hip?
      The issue may originate here.
      Squat Quick Test: Is it Tight Ankles or Tight Hips? | Community Video
      Yes you can make improvements with your movement patterns.
      There may be alot to work on, but you are aware of it now.
      Start chipping away at it. Improvements with some areas can impact and improve others.

    • #74701
      Avatar[email protected]

      For the sake of conversation — it is a quick test.  Like a real quick test.  Kstar glosses over strength and motor control.  But in order to fully test if it is your ankles vs your hips shouldn’t you also have a test to determine if it is strength and or motor control…..

    • #74706
      AvatarErin Kaminsky

      Thank you for the two videos, I also found the flat foot episode which is exactly what I have wrong with my feet. So I at least have a plan of attack.

      It’s just knowing what to hit, I headed into the gym today to do some mobility & just over an hour worth of work I could of done another hour easily. Feet,calves,quads & my hamstrings are extremely short. Then obviously hips/low back are bad from these issues, even my knees hurt lately.

      Fixing my arch/feet needs to top the list

    • #74708

      What about these?
      Rebuilding Your Feet With Brian MacKenzie
      Rebuilding The Feet, Part 2
      Rebuilding The Feet, Part 3

      Break your sessions up into shorter more focused doses.
      Do a max of 3 items per session. Going after quality time spent.
      Email me [email protected] and I’ll send you things to do to strengthen your feet.

      Daniel you need to identify where an issue originates first.
      Strength and motor control are addressed after you identify where the issue originates.

    • #74784
      AvatarKatie Hemphill

      Hey Craig,

      There has been some discussion on this board lately regarding squatting with your feet straight, and I think some of it bears a brief reiteration.
      Basically, K-Star recommends a foot-forward stance for several movements because it (a) allows you to create a more stable platform for movement, (b) makes it easier to maintain the structural integrity of the foot (not collapsing the arches), and (c) it will translate better to having a straight forward foot position in sport and life when you apply your fitness.
      That said, a parallel squat stance represents an ideal that can really only be effectively employed in training if one has pretty awesome mobility. This is why it serves as a good test to see if you’re still missing some corners in your squat (and it’s not just K-Star who uses it for this purpose). While slowly making your climb towards Leopardom, however, you have to respect your current level at all times, and utilize the stance that lets you move the best. (You are wise to have not loaded the feet-straight squat). As your mobility improves, you may find you’re able to slowly bring the feet in more and more until you achieve that ideal. Or maybe not. We’re not all built the same.
      This is something that I think needs to be cleared up, because the parallel squat stance seems to be the biggest criticism of Mobility WOD, and has driven too many people away from all the invaluable content that Starrett and his crew have to offer. I have interpreted the message not as “you MUST squat with your feet parallel”, but rather that you should work to have the capacity to do so, because it represents a high degree of motor control and mobility.
      In regards to your ankle testing, if you’re finding that your feet collapse as you get into a parallel deep squat you may not be testing your ankle ROM in the correct position. Make sure you are pointing your knee towards your little toe as you push your knee forward, not straight ahead, and see if that influences your results. Otherwise, the issue may be one of motor control more than anything. 
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