Daily Mobility Exercises by Dr. Kelly Starrett Forums General Facebook LIVE QnA. 31/5 -17

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    • #71790
      AvatarStephanie Hindelang

      Do anyone know if Kelley Starrett did this, or if I can find the replay somewhere, because I couldent attend it and cannot seem to find it anywhere ?

    • #76943
      AvatarPatrick Thomas

      Yes, Kelly does the Live sessions on Wednesday. Go to the Mobility Wod page scroll down 23 posts (at the time I typed this)and you’ll see the video w/ 5/31 Mobility Wod was live at the top. He has a gray shirt Mobility Wod hat and ear buds.

    • #76944
      AvatarStephanie Hindelang

      Thank you Kaitlin 🙂

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