Daily Mobility Exercises by Dr. Kelly Starrett Forums General Externally rotated foot and poor internal hip rotation

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    • #71372
      AvatarLouise Murphy

      Hi all,

      I’ve been working a lot on mobility lately and have just noticed something. When I lay on my back with both my hips and knees bent to 90 degrees, my left foot is slightly externally rotated. It happens to be the same foot which overpronates which seems to makes sense. On the same left side I also have poor ixternal hip rotation. I’ll get an impingement/pain feeling with very little internal rotation. None of this occurs on my right side though. External hip rotation seems to be fine on both sides. I also have a bit of pain in my left glute that I consistently have been working on. 
      I should say this is how I’m doing the internal rotation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S8EJxSi_XI4
      Not exactly sure how to approach this, any help would be greatly appreciated!
    • #76031
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