The Ready State: Mobility Training with Dr. Kelly Starrett Forums General Don’t Ice? What’s Wim Hoff gonna think?

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    • #71778
      AvatarRyan Cortez

      I watched the video “People, we’ve got to stop icing for injuries.We were wrong. Sooo Wrong.” 

      The video discusses the absurdity of stopping our natural ability to repair injury with the use of rest and ice. It talks about how we need our muscles to pump our circulatory system and take away the swelling through our lymphatic system. Everything in this video and post makes perfect sense to me. However…
      There seems to be compelling evidence for the benefits of cold therapy which has been popularized by Wim Hoff, Brian Mackenzie, Laird Hamilton, and Gabby Reece. 
      Can someone help me understand the disconnect. I’m also interested to know what new information we have found since this video was posted on 8/07/2012.
      Thanks in advance

    • #76904
      AvatarPatrick Thomas

      Icing an injury is different from the cold therapy Wim Hoff talks about.
      Icing an injury vs CNS (Central Nervous System) recovery.
      Two different situations.
      Have the cold exposure as far away from the training stimulus as possible.

    • #76906
      AvatarRyan Cortez

      Thanks Kaitlin that is kind of what I was beginning to figure out. Two completely different things really. 

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