The Ready State: Mobility Training with Dr. Kelly Starrett Forums General Does Kelly S see patients in San Fransisco?

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    • #71229
      AvatarDeven Williams

      I may be there this spring and would give a kidney for a consultation. 

    • #75637

      When his schedule allows.
      If his schedule doesn’t allow schedule a consult with Roop.

    • #75647
      AvatarNathan Richer

      Alec – I’d give Roop a try – I’ve seen him a few times now and he’s excellent. A good protege of Kstarr’s for sure!

    • #75662
      AvatarTom Matchinsky

      Depending on where you live, Roop is great, San Diego the MobilityWOD team has Theresea at MovementRX, Danny at Athlete’s Potential in Atlanta. Sean in LA, Dianna in Petaluma. If you are desperate, I am located in the middle of nowhere in Iowa! 

    • #75679
      AvatarDeven Williams

      I did a skype with Roop and he’s great but if I’m traveling from VT to CA [maybe] I might as well try to see the big cheese.

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