The Ready State: Mobility Training with Dr. Kelly Starrett Forums General Difficulty with seated wide-legged forward fold

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    • #71719
      AvatarJames Warne

      I believe this may also be referred to as “forward straddle,” but good lord do I have a tough time folding forward in the slightest when attempting this hold. 

      The only way I’ve been able to successfully lean forward has been when my yoga teacher has pysically pulled my arms forward when I’m in this position (which is incredibly intense), but I don’t know how I can go about replicating this stretch on my own without maybe re-purposing a jeep winch.
      Any tips on how to progress in this hold?
    • #76720
      AvatarPatrick Thomas
    • #76721
      AvatarJames Warne

      Thanks for the links, Kaitlin!

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