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    • #71599
      AvatarJason Koster

      I really enjoy the book which already help me to correct bad position at my work place + all the basic body maintenance I can pratice as well. Good Job Dr. Starrett !

      I have the chance to have a standing desk at work. I try to apply the principle. On page 364 (iPad), there is drains on hands on a keyboard (correct/incorrect). I can not manage to set correctly my hands on the keyboard due to the width of my body (I am not large). The only way is to put my arm forward and in front of my chest (not comfortable or natural), in this way the principle showed page 356 can not be applied.

      So I cannot keep aligned my wirst and my hand while taping.

      Any suggestion ?



    • #76386
      AvatarPatrick Thomas

      New positions take some time to get use to/feel comfortable or natural.
      Do short doses which allow you to adjust to the new position.
      Breaks are an opportunity to reset your position.

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