The Ready State: Mobility Training with Dr. Kelly Starrett Forums Shoulder Correcting a rear should / upper tricep problem

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    • #71537
      AvatarHenning Steinke

      I’m getting a pretty bad pain on the back of my shoulder / upper tricep area (sort of where they ‘connect’), but it’s only really bad when I do Pull Ups (any variation) and Wall Balls (20lbs and up). I can use the 10 and 14 pounders without pain. Additionally throwing a ball (baseballl, dodgeball) affects it as well.

      No problems doing handstand pushups, jerks, presses etc. Those are all fine.

      I’ve had the pain for a few months but it’s only gotten really bad in recent weeks, anytime I try pullups now it really hurts.

      Any idea what the issue could be and which rehab movements would best help with something like that? I’ve been flipping through S.L. but am having problems figuring out which movements will help the most.

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