The Ready State: Mobility Training with Dr. Kelly Starrett Forums General Compartment Syndrome Anterior/Lateral Shins Help

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    • #70412
      Maik WernerMaik Werner

      Hello All,

      I have a Crossfit athlete who was a Div 1 soccer player. She has been diagnosed with compartment syndrome in her Anterior/Lateral muscles of her shins a couple years ago. When she has to perform sprints or high volumes of box jumps she feel as if her shins are going to burst. As a coach we all try to help our athletes as much as possible. I’m wondering if anyone else has had this experience and what they did or are doing to help relieve the pain for themselves or their athletes (don’t do sprints, right?). I know there is the option of surgery and I’ve heard good and bad reviews and she doesn’t want surgery. She has been part of the CF community for years and I’ve been working with her to roll out her achilles, calves, VMO, quads, hammies, butt, etc, just recently to help gain mobility in the rest of her legs to see if that works. She says it’s excrutiatingly painful to roll out so I’m stuck on how to help out. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks.


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