The Ready State: Mobility Training with Dr. Kelly Starrett Forums Knee Clicking in knee during flexion good or bad?

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    • #71257
      AvatarMiguel Vargas

      When i bring my knee to full flexion( heel to butt) i hear a clicking sound in both my knees though no pain. after the knee makes this bucking clicking sound the joint seems to give me a little more ROM. Ive had physios tell me not to worry about it, as its just the ligaments sliding across, however in the webinar on the knee kelly mentions the meniscus clucking off the back ?  how do you differ between clicking thats bad or not?

    • #75745

      Sounds like time for a second opinion.
      Did they say what was causing the clicking sound when ligaments were sliding across?
      How did they determine it was ligaments vs the meniscus?

    • #75756
      AvatarMiguel Vargas

      no they just said it was the ligaments sliding across the knee and nothing to worry about? I didn’t ask or mention the meniscus when this happened? The sound does come from the outside-ish of the knee ?

    • #75762
      AvatarAlbert Lu

      There are special tests to help determine if it’s a meniscal tear. Although I think it’s probably not considering movement would most likely give you pain. I’d listen to the physios. It doesn’t seem like anything to worry about. And if the clicking is from the outside of your knee I think it’s the ITB rubbing over a bony landmark. Just mobilize the muscles that attach on to that IT tract. I hope my input helps.

      All the Best

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