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  • Author
    • #278542
      AvatarWilliam Richards

      Hey guys, looking to get some direction with a 4+ week-long bout of erector tightness. Feels great when walking, moving, and exercising but standing and sitting is just a constant tightness that DOES NOT respond to stretching. I am convinced it’s a muscle activation issue where it’s compensating for something not firing like it should but I wouldn’t say my core is “weak” so I am just stumped. Where should I go from here? How do I get my central nervous system to shut these muscles down and act right!



    • #1885738
      Pete LuffmanPete Luffman

      I’d love to hear some suggestions here also. Mine is chronically tight and I’ve tried so many things.

      • #1890219
        AvatarTravis Jewett

        What does your environment look like? What started the original issue? Was it after a particular kind of training session? If you have access to some kind of stim device, electrical current can calm the feeling of muscle tightness and “reset” length tension relationships. Take a look at how you sit/stand and see if there are ways you change your environment so you can be in the best available positions. Many times when people spend a lot of time over extended as they are just standing around it can lead to the feelings of chronic stiffness in the lower back.

    • #1887865
      Kaitlin LyonsKaitlin Lyons

      What have tried that you saw improvements with?
      What have you done that you didn’t see improvements with?

      Are you working up/downstream of where you are seeing the issue?
      Where you see the problem isn’t always where the problem originates.

    • #1890220
      AvatarTravis Jewett

      And if you have trouble getting anywhere, you can always look into setting up a virtual consultation with one of our staff members.

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