Daily Mobility Exercises by Dr. Kelly Starrett Forums Shoulder Catastrophic lack of right shoulder mobility.

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    • #71464
      AvatarDeven Williams

      Several separations, a total dislocation, 3 broken collar bones and broken coracoid process in my 58 years have left me with super limited external rotation in my right shoulder. Even the most basic movements cause my scapula to “lift” and the entire joint to rotate forward. I can’t even lay flat on my back with my right arm straight at my side and have the back of my delt/shoulder touch the ground.

      Reaching around behind me (at all) to grab the small of my back causes the joint to roll forward.

      Where the heck should I even start?

      All I can come up with is laying flat with my upper arm at 90 degrees to my body, my forearm raised at 90 degrees to the ground and have a super friend hold my shoulder to the ground while I try to press/contract/relax my palm towards the ground.


    • #76193
      AvatarDeven Williams

      So………..I’m a big MobilityWOD fan and have spent hours and hours over the last 18 months doing a wide variety of mobility work. But, I gotta say, 2 hours spent on the table of a very good sport massage therapist yesterday and it did more for my mobility (and some problem areas) than I’ve been able to do myself in all the time I’ve put it.

      I will continue to work on my mobility myself but I now realize balls/rollers and bands are second fiddle to a skilled pair of hands.

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