The Ready State: Mobility Training with Dr. Kelly Starrett Forums General car buffer for self myofascial release

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    • #70773
      AvatarSyd McGee

      i’d be interested in everyone’s opinions on the video above. Beyond a youtube video of powerlifter Clint Darden, I have not seen anyone particularly well known in the strength and conditioning world using one.

      My friend has one and i’ve tried it – from an N=1 standpoint it does help if i have particularly bad DOMS, although i still tend to use a rumble roller/peanut/lacrosse ball 90% of the time.

      You cant really target any smaller areas, but for quads and hamstrings it works reasonably well, also triceps/lats if you get someone else to do it…
    • #74072
      AvatarKatheryn Cabrera

      I’m sure this “feels good” but what science backs it up. Foam and lacrosse rolling definitely release myofascial tension, but this superficial vibration doesn’t seem to have much of an impact. Just my opinion! 

    • #74073
      AvatarNathan Richer

      wow what an interesting use of power tools!

      i haven’t found many of the usual electronic massager tools to be really useful.  there are some more professional ones that work a bit better, like the DMS (direct muscle stimulator).  they are unfortunately a lot more expensive.
      personally i’ve played with a vibration plate and lacrosse balls and supernovas, as well as banded distraction mobs. it works really well. for example, put a ball on the vibration plate, then lay on it to hit something like your t-spine and have the vibe plate on, then go through movements. it works better than just being on a static floor and smashing.  i’ve also setup myself during mobs on the vibe plate – for example, for a hip mob, i put my foot on the plate, setup the band at my hip, and then go through mob movements. the vibe goes up my leg via the foot and helps release the sticking points.
    • #74074

      I know theirs some studies showing that vibration causes IVD damage. Specifically theirs is some preliminary results by a graduate student at my school studying this area. Rats showed IVD damage after exposure to vibration. He hypothesized that vibration would increase joint strength. He turned out to be wrong. So I would caution before going ahead with vibration modalities. 

    • #74078
      AvatarNathan Richer

      if you feel like reading up on vibration research:

      kefu, i would have to read your graduate student’s research to know more about what he found. certain types of vibration and duration can be harmful, as well as certain types of vibration/duration have been found to be beneficial.
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