Daily Mobility Exercises by Dr. Kelly Starrett Forums Shoulder “Cannot get safely overhead”

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    • #71504
      AvatarAischa Massey

      Best way to describe it, when i want to raise my hand overhead it tends to make my shoulder go forward, when i get it overhead it feels unstable and gets tierd quickly, i also feel some discomfort around my shoulder blades area when i get overhead.
      One of the things that i think has to do something with this is that when i stay at the desk for longer periods of time i get in a position where my right arm is paralel to the floor or even greater upwards ( like when you do a dumbell fly and you are at the top ) and i rest it like that on the table.I am now trying to strengthen my serratus anterior and stretch my chest to see if i can make it work again but i feel like this might not help in my case because of the way i was sitting at my desk.
      Anyone have any suggestions ?

    • #76237

      Are you addressing your sitting position?
      Have you worked on opening the front of your shoulder and pec?
      Sounds like these are tight and pulling your shoulder forward when raising your arm.
      Have you had a coach watch you preform this movement pattern to see exactly what is happening?
      Another option is to video the movement pattern so you can see exactly what is happening.

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