The Ready State: Mobility Training with Dr. Kelly Starrett Forums Foot/Ankle Can someone explain this MWOD to me?

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    • #71085
      AvatarJeremy Rogers

      Seriously, I’ve seen this linked so many times and I’ve tried it, but
      I literally feel nothing when I lean over to work on an ankle.

      So I got the band set up, I step inside and squat down. All good.

      Now as I lean over onto one foot to work on my ankle, the moment I
      start leaning forward all that happens is my heels comes up. I dont feel
      any stretching or anything. Normally with calf or soleus stretching I have my weight helping me keep the ankle down so I can feel some type of stretch or change being made. But the moment I lean over here my heel just instantly comes off the ground.

    • #75155
      AvatarMark Milgrove

      Your heel should not come off the ground while you are doing this. If you still can not feel a stretch i would recommend foam rolling or voodoo flossing (or both) your lower calves and your ankles as you have some sort of stiffness buildup that is not allowing you to move your ankle as much as it should be moving. 

    • #75165
      AvatarKatie Hemphill

      Hey Cazzah,

      Yeah, Scott has the right of it. This particular squat drill is probably not giving you enough pressure to actually overcome the stiffness in your calves. Ergo, any attempts to push your knee forward will overcome your relationship with gravity before they overcome your calves.
      The calves are a strong example of how crappy and stiff your tissues can really get. You will probably get more results at this point by preceding any actual “stretching” with soft-tissue work.
      If you check out some of the ankle Daily Rx’s from recent months, they have been doing this mob where the ankle is put up on a bench, with a band distracting backwards. This is freakin’ money. You can keep your heel down and use the bench to pull your chest into your knee, resulting in a much better ability to load that stretch. Just take it in doses and don’t go crazy!
      Ankle mobility can take a lot of consistent work to improve. Remember that even one degree more of freedom there is worth gold.
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