The Ready State: Mobility Training with Dr. Kelly Starrett Forums General Broken ankle, 8 screws, limited ROM rehab for the squat?

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    • #71108
      AvatarNatasha Sealy

       I just recovered from a broken and dislocated ankle with a complete tear of the ligament. I’m not sure what should I do to get back to a full squat range of motion, given the fact ive never been flexible or too mobile. How should I start? which mobility WOD should I perform for now?

    • #75206

      Is your injury healed?
      Are you cleared to do mobility work on this area?
      Are you working with a PT following the injury?
      Were you following the MWod prior to the injury?

    • #75209
      AvatarNatasha Sealy

      1. 100% cleared. I am running and jumping (very awfuly but I do). I’m squatting wrong and pulling from the floor uncomfortably. 

      2. I went through a long physiotherapy with professionals. now Im on my own cuz this just costs too much to continue.

      3. no. but I did perform Defranco’s mobility samples. 

    • #75216

      If you are running and jumping very awfuly time for skill/drill and technique work.
      Schedule a lesson with a coach if you can.
      Kelly did a free creative live course last Friday on Ready to Run

      I would recommend doing a lesson or block of lessons with a coach.
      May need to make adjustments following the injury and identifying mobility restrictions.
      Carl Paoli has a great progression on rebuilding the squat on the Cody App.
      Move Strong I Squat, push up, pull up and some workouts.
      Retooling is an important part of the recovery process.
      Take the time now and create a foundation to build from.

      Have you identified restricted areas?

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