The Ready State: Mobility Training with Dr. Kelly Starrett Forums General Bone growth acetabulum (Hipsocket)

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    • #70356
      AvatarKristina Jones

      Hi Leopards,

      I’m dealing with some strange hip function. When I put my leg into 90 degrees flexion my hip flies into external rotation at the left side without any effort to externaly rotate. Right side slightly less. I have put in a lot of time to adress hip mobility, external rotation, internal rotation, back of the socket…But couldn’t make gains so recently I went to the hospital to check my hips with a CT-scan. The results where clear. I have some serious bone growth at the top of my acetabulum (hip socket which surrounds the femur) at the left side, right side slightly less. This is the cause why I have negative Internal rotation in flexion, when i lift my leg straight up while standing, the femur runs into this grown bone and the only way to pass this is to fly out. Now everything falls in place why I can’t internaly rotate my hip, feel impinged when I sit or do any stuff that puts me in more than 90° of flexion.

      The doctor said to me, ‘no way on earth yo can regain ful hip mobility, squat below parallel, perform a 90° deadlift, lunge…without running into this bone and blocking the hip. You’re born with this, can’t change it’.

      So my question to you guys, do you believe I can do something about this? Is there a way to adress this? 

      Or does my journey to function normal end up here…
    • #72457
      AvatarKristina Jones

      You can see it on this URL, my problem is the left side of the picture.
    • #72463
      AvatarTony Laymon

      When I was reading this post all I thought the entire time was that I had written it. 15 weeks ago I had an Arthroscopic hip surgery to remove my FAI or femoacetabular impingement. My results, with a ton of work on my own and with my pt, have been tremendous. I had the exact same issues. When I arrived at my pt a week after surgery I was so tight. My internal rotation was less than 0º now I’m close to 40º. I could barely keep my torso upright while squatting and now I’m able to keep a pretty vertical torso when back squatting and air squatting (overhead and front squats are still a work in progress). The surgery is vital in your situation. I was also born with naturally impinged hips, but my right side was greatly increases due to a prior hip surgery when I was 13 that caused the osteocyte to grow so much more than my left side. Surgery, in my opinion from what you wrote, is the best and pretty much only option. The results are pretty awesome. I no longer have pain when sitting for long periods and my overall movement has greatly improved. Good luck, my friend!

    • #72479
      AvatarKristina Jones

      Hi Blake,

      Thanks for the response, I hoped to do something about it without surgery. But there’s always a surgery involved to solve this i’ve read . So I will go to a specialist and go trough a surgery if need to. Was it a pincer or cam impingement?

      Can you give some more information about how the surgery and recovery went, can you walk back after a couple of days? I was scared when I saw you starting with 15 weeks ago but you probably where able to train some in this period.
      Thanks for the comments
    • #72480
      AvatarKatherine Huether

      I have a similar problem. FAI in my left hip. I was diagnosed with that about 3 years ago. A little over a year ago I went back to the doctor and was diagnosed with arthritis and was told that surgery wasn’t really an option as the joint has deteriorated past the point where fixing the FAI would help. I work with a PT and sporadically with a trainer to control it. I don’t have full range of motion (I can get to about 90 degrees). 

      Here’s what helps me stay functional (I play high impact sports regularly). Tons of glute activation work. Be overly protective of the lumbar spine as it is very tempting to get extra ROM using it. Roll out all the little adductor muscles in your upper thigh frequently. Work on getting extra ROM in your ankles and thoracic spine to compensate. I recently got a pair of squat briefs (think extremely tight compression shorts) which have really helped me feel more stable when lifting. When squatting/deadlifting/etc figure out how far you can go under load before the impingement limits you and don’t go lower but at the same time make sure you still hit depth. 
      The issue I struggle with is keeping the other hip properly mobile, as stretching it out is difficult given the impingement. If anyone has advice on that, I’d love to hear it. 
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