The Ready State: Mobility Training with Dr. Kelly Starrett Forums General Big Battlestar or Little Battestar ?

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    • #70735
      AvatarMichael Schwerin

      im in the uk and a student so i can’t afford the full kit with shipping costs and stuff. would you say the big or little one is better for mainly the legs, hamstrings quads calves heel cords?

    • #73859

      I love both small & big battlestar. Nothing like them and kicks in up some.
      For the areas you mention:
      I like the little battlestar for the calves, hamstrings, &heel cords.
      It gets in and cleans up the small stuff that was left behind by other tools.

      The big battlestar is great on the quad high ham, calf, adductors.
      The more detailed areas the small battlestar is more effective.
      Both are definitely well worth the investment.

    • #73862
      AvatarNathan Richer

      I echo Kaitlin. the small battlestar seems more effective and useful than the big one. i have both and tried both and find myself using the little bstar a lot more. the big one seems only useful for me in areas which are VERY tight and sensitive to the small bstar (or any hard, thinner device, like lacrosse ball versus supernova).  i can thus use the big bstar to roll my serratus (sensitive due to bone proximity to surface) and also my lateralis which is very tight. everything else is good to go with the little bstar, and the big bstar’s diameter just doesn’t put enough focused force on the muscle.

      i also find the small size of the bstar (and its unexpected lightness) to be very nice for portability. i just throw it in my computer bag and use it wherever i go.
    • #73864
      AvatarGeorge McLaney

      I’d also recommend the smaller version if you have to choose. The big Battlestar is great for mashing the quads, IT band, lats and high hamstring/glutes. Think all the best attributes of the Grid, Rumble Roller, foam rollers etc rolled into one (yes, pun intended) but with more shear. 

      I’ve found that the smaller version can also be used in these areas, and is better for calves, forearms, triceps etc. And as David wrote, it’s more portable. 
    • #73867
      AvatarMatt Buchholz

      I defenitly agree! You get much deeper into your muscles. I love my Battlestar!

    • #73872
      AvatarMichael Schwerin

      Thanks i think il be buying the little battle star then. I’ve got a supernova on the way, going to take a while to be shipped over though

    • #74250
      Avatar[email protected]

      Hey frankie…im in the uk…where was the cheapest you found it?

    • #75342
      AvatarAidan Wright


      Just a quick question ? How should i clean this tool in order to maximize its lifespan and at the same time keep it clean ?
      Best regards, André Craveiro
      P.S I am loving the tool by the way XD 
    • #75345

      I’d say normal stuff.
      Clean skin when using.
      Wipe it down following use or between people using it.
      May want to use anti bacterial wipes.

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