The Ready State: Mobility Training with Dr. Kelly Starrett Forums General Best way to achieve a full depth squat?

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    • #70205
      AvatarBarns Anderson

      Hi all,
        I’m not flexible enough yet to do a full butt to heal squat while keeping my feet flat on the ground.  I can do it if I put something under my heals, like say a copy of Becoming a Supple Leopard (praise the hardcover!).  What is the best way to scale this movement if I’m trying to hold the position?  By putting something under the heals or by doing a box squat with a low box while keeping the feet flat on the floor? My thought is to try to progress to a full squat by gradually lowering the thickness placed below my heals, but I’m not sure if doing that is a good idea.  Anyone have any experience to share?

    • #71982
      AvatarHeather Moore

      The reason you’re probably able to get better depth while having something under your heel is because it gives your ankle more room by reducing the amount of flexion you need to balance in the bottom position.

      Look at Mwod videos on ankle/heelcord mobility and also work on opening up the hips/lumbopelvic hip complex. Work on generating torque at the hips and focus on mobilizing T-spine. 
    • #71997
      AvatarZachary Lozano

      Same problem 🙁 really poor ankle flexibilty. Saturday, 5/18 Daily RX seems like it helped.

    • #72170
      AvatarKay Heil

      Here’s what has worked for me. In this order.
      Foam Roller Adductors with a PVC pipe
      Hamstring Floss
      Side Hip distraction from lunge and with approximation

      hope these helps.

    • #72177
      Avatar[email protected]

      I would check out June 1st Daily RX.  I have been doing all the hip openers, couch stretch etc. The couch stretch on the wall on my right side kind of sucks because my right ankle does not have the full ROM to sit on the wall without the knuckle on my foot becoming raw and sore.  So essentially I still can’t sit upright on my own in that position.  

      The reason why I really like June 1st daily RX is because doing that split really shows the combination of muscle tightness going on.  For instance if you just use the couch stretch you can feel just your upper quad tightness, but with the june 1st RX I could feel my hammy tightness which proceeded down to my adductor on the left side of my right knee down my calve into my shin and into my ankle.  The combination of feeling these muscles working together gave me an understanding of exactly what I was missing.  I just need a black band to keep me more upright so I can get into more corners.  
    • #72181
      AvatarBailey Martinez

      One thing that has helped me is to get into a squat position, either against a wall or couch. I use the couch while I watch video’s on my laptop or shows on tv.

      Then, while keeping your feet on the ground and flat, focus on dropping down slowly while allowing yourself to lean your back against the couch/wall. As you drop, focus on pushing your knee’s out, pushing your torso forward between your legs (while keeping your spine braced), and then pushing the limits of your ankle mobility.
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