The Ready State: Mobility Training with Dr. Kelly Starrett Forums General Bad mobility overall, what should I do?

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    • #71775
      AvatarAlex Bush

      I have fairly poor mobility overall that seems to have just occurred naturally, ideally I need to improve all areas, I have beens stretching pretty much muslce for the past year several times a week and seen slight increases in ROM, however I still fail several mobility test. For example I cannot bend and reach a barbell keeping my back straight. Lately I have read in Kellys book that static stretching alone is a bad idea, I have seen loads of exercises what I can do but I am completely lost as to how and make a proper mobility programme. Kelly also writes that you can only do certain exercises what he lists daily, an example workout involves just a few muscle groups, would this not end up taking me upwards of a year to get to a proper level of mobility? I would like to keep weight training and playing football but it seems that I should hold off until I get the ROM Kelly recommends in his book but it looks like I’ll have to take months off before I get there. 

      I was just wondering what it is a beginner like me should be doing to get to a good level of mobility, such as squatting atg etc
      Also should be be doing a full mobility workout post weight training or football? There seems to be a lot involved in each muscle group with all the different equipment and stretches?
    • #76897
      AvatarPatrick Thomas

      You want to do focused work.
      Quality over quantity.
      Sounds like you have been doing alot of work over the past year, however, not seeing much change.
      Taking a new look at how you are addressing things will help. Consistency with 10:00- 15:00 per day is key.

      Stretching and mobility are 2 different things.
      From the FAQ
      “Stretching only focuses on lengthening short and tight muscles.
      Mobilization, on the other hand, is a movement-based integrated
      full-body approach that addresses all the elements that limit movement
      and performance including short and tight muscles, soft tissue
      restriction, joint capsule restriction, motor control problems, joint
      range of motion dysfunction, and neural dynamic issues. In short,
      mobilization is a tool to globally address movement and performance

      Yes, a mobility session is limited to 3 mobs.
      This is a solid amount of work without doing too much in 1 session.

      In Becoming A Supple Leopard there are some sample mobility programs within Part 4 Mobility Prescriptions. There a couple ways to use this section as explained on page 442.
      These are to help the reader learn to create their own mobility programming.
      Becoming A Supple Leopard includes a 14 Day Whole Body Mobility Overhaul om page 470-471.
      This can be used to create your own customized program or follow one of the sample 14 day mobility programs page 472.The sample programs are samples. Use to build your knowledge and ability to apply that knowledge to create personalized programs to address what you need to address.
      As noted there is no one size fits all mobility program.

      Another option is 14-Day Mobility Challenge | 7 Green Lights | Day 1 found within the Episode tab.
      You’ll address different areas for 1-2 days at a time.

      Working on your entire body takes time and is a large task.
      Too much to address each day.
      Start chipping away at it.

      You can continue weight training and playing football as you begin to work in mobility time.

      I recommend beginning with one of the sample programs in Becoming A Supple Leopard, or the 14 day Mobility Challenge. As you are working on an area you may see other areas start to improve as a result of other things in a better place/positioning.

    • #76918
      AvatarTom Matchinsky

      Keep training. Just work in the ranges you can control and work farther as you improve range. For example, squat as deep as you can during training while maintaining control and sprinkle in 1 or 2 hip mobility drills between sets, during warm up or after wards and keep exposing yourself to the improved ranges. There is no reason to stop training though it may take you a few months to get to where you want to be. Improving mobility while continuing to train is actually how it works best.

      MWOD Staff
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