The Ready State: Mobility Training with Dr. Kelly Starrett Forums General Back pain when mobilizing the hip

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    • #70967
      AvatarPaul Robidoux

      When doing work to help squatting with forward mobility for the hip hinge, I have been finding that seem to be having back pain as if I am either overstretching the muscles of the lumbar spine or pinching the disk in front because my body is trying to push the hip flexor to a closer angle than it wants.  The Single-Leg Flexion with ER Bias and Box Squats are my main mobilization.

      The first answer to stopping the pain is “so don’t do that”  but I don’t know how.  I truly want to!  I’m taking a break from my unweighted squatting and hip mobility now just to give my spine a rest and just saying that seems very wrong.  What tip am I missing?

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