The Ready State: Mobility Training with Dr. Kelly Starrett Forums General Articular cartilage injury in the knee – getting frustrated!!!! What to do?

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    • #70362
      AvatarChris MacLean

      It has now been 4 months since I started having knee pain after playing a game of football (soccer) without any specific bad movements incidents. I got an MRI scan done to determine what seems to be the problem. I went to 3 different doctors to get different opinions on the MRI scan, however I got 3 different answers in terms of what steps to take. I have now been taking the drug,Condrosan, for 3 months with no signs of improvement 🙁

      I am now waiting for another MRI scan to determine if there has been any improvement, however it does not feel any better.
      Some doctor has recommended me to inject “Growth Factors” in to the knee, however without any insurance in terms of improvement. Has anyone had experiences with Growth Factors and the impact on injured cartilage? I am not yet convinced to spend 900 EUR on something that I am not sure will help me. I have been advised against this as a doctor and fisio do not believe it will help me….
      My question here is if any other in the CrossFit community has had problems with articular cartilage? And what did you do to recover? 
      Any specific exercises or techniques that can be recommended? I was recommended to do box squats, biking and swimming – can anyone confirm that box squats is a good idea to do? I
      I am working a lot on my mobility – especially in the hips, knees and ankles as I, as a soccer player during many years (and with a long history of ankle injuries, are very stiff 😉
      ANY recommendation or kind of help would be highly appreciated….. 🙂
      Thank you in advance,
      A CrossFitter desperate to get back in the box!!! 
    • #72892

      Has anyone looked at your running technique?

    • #72897
      AvatarChris MacLean

      Hi Kaitlin,

      I have only done a running test (one of these done by a running shop) a few years ago to determine the right shoes and they did not find any major errors in my running form. I am awaiting Kellys book about running to be released 😉
      What the doctors are telling me is that the injury has come from a meniscus injury I had 10 years ago and then “usage”.
      My theory here is that I have been squatting with bad form as I did/do not have sufficient mobility in the hips, knees and ankle – If I had just known of Kelly when some years ago 🙂
      Any suggestions for excercises to recover?
      I am desperate here 🙂
    • #72902

      Yes, Kelly’s book, Ready to Run, will be an excellent resource.
      Yes, they may not have found major errors in your running technique, but it doesn’t take major errors to cause something else to be out of whack. Deviations from proper technique no matter how big or small will cause your body to make compensations somewhere else within the system. You may or may not know that your body is making a compensation.
      In the time since that movement screen your running mechanics may have changed.
      I would recommend having someone take a look at your running mechanics.
      Where do you live?
      I may be able to put you in contact with a running coach in your area.
      You could take a video of your running upload it to you tube and send me the link in a message and I will take a look at it for you.
      “Usage” is a broad term.
      Deviations in squat technique and running technique are factors impacting the “usage”
      Have you started to address your hip, knee, or ankle mobility?
      If so are you seeing improvements?

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