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    • #70260
      AvatarKenneth Lott

      I’ve been experiencing some pain in my left adductor. I feel it most after  front squatting and when warming up to back squat. The spiderman stretch is also when I feel it. I have been mashing it with a lacrosse ball on a consistent basis (3-5) times a week coupled with stretches. I have no previous history of injury with that muscle. Just wanted to know where this is coming from and how I can prevent it. Thanks. 

    • #72166

      Are you seeing any improvements when smashing with the lacrosse ball?
      This is a place to start, but sounds like you need something else to resolve it.
      Have you used a barbell  or plate as is done here?
      Episode 208: Wide Stance Prep or Fixing Sumo+Decompression
      A couple other ways to hit it here
      Episode 173: Improve Your Medial Chain Dominance
      Episode 36: Spinal Mobility; Box Squat Groin Torture; Spine Rot/Adductor Stretch
      Have someone smash it for you like here
      Episode 14: Celebrity Goat Death Match: Chris Spealer
      Keep working at it and identifying things upstream and down stream of where you are seeing it.

    • #72176
      AvatarKenneth Lott

      Thanks Kaitlin. I have been smashing with a lacrosse ball, pvc roller and a barbell. All of these do help lowering the pain. But I’m wondering where this could be stemming from. Is it because the muscle isn’t strong enough for certain loads? Or is it over compensating for another muscle that is weak? 

    • #72182

      You are hitting it with different elements which is good.
      It may be an area that needs more work than others. Good that you are seeing improvements with the pain level.
      Have you used a voodoo band?
      It could originate from a positional compensation.
      Hip, ankle, knee are places to start.

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