Daily Mobility Exercises by Dr. Kelly Starrett Forums General Will Self Myofascial Release my right shoulder issue? Re: Will Self Myofascial Release my right shoulder issue?

AvatarKeith Broussard

In addition to what Kaitlin said hit the t spine too. It won’t matter how supple your peck is if your rounded upper back is restricting scapular motion.

Also consider doing some joint dynamic work. Lay on your back with the kettlebell in the press poisition keep your elbow locked out. Let the weight set your arm back into the capsule.

Finally you may just need some accessory work on the posterior chain. Dan John recommends batwings, reverse wall plank and some farmer walks. Joe Defranco is big on doing 100 band pulls aparts a day.

Chest smashing is part of the answer but don’t forget the other tools available.