Daily Mobility Exercises by Dr. Kelly Starrett Forums Shoulder Targeting the Infraspinatus. How? (forum won’t allow me to type in body of topic for some reason) Re: Targeting the Infraspinatus. How? (forum won’t allow me to type in body of topic for some reason)

AvatarDeven Williams

Strange, it will allow me to reply in the body but not the original post….

I believe we’ve identified the source of the pain that I get down my upper arm when I do any pushing/pressing movement. My left infraspinatus is a nasty/painful trigger pointed train wreck.

Any mobility work that will really target that area and what would be the up stream/down stream areas to address?

I’m currently “enjoying” laying on a lacrosse ball and flossing by moving my left arm.

(Don’t ask me why it’s repeated below, that’s way beyond my current pay grade to understand.)