Daily Mobility Exercises by Dr. Kelly Starrett Forums General Stiff lower back, hypermobile mid-back, uneven shoulders, femoral anterior glide (FAGS) Re: Stiff lower back, hypermobile mid-back, uneven shoulders, femoral anterior glide (FAGS)

AvatarChingChin Wang

I don’t think the problem is the coxa valga, I could do squats just nicely a few months ago.

Yes, I’m naturally a wider-stance squatter, but I can’t do wide-stance squat anymore. Even with bodyweight everything feels unstable. But going from a 400lbs squat to a 100lbs squat in 2 months isn’t normal??

I’m seeing improvement with the ankles, as well as the QL/Psoas but I’m not hitting the root of the issue.

The only thing I’m worried right now is my hip. Today I woke up and had this pain/pulling sensation again, it is located between the pubic bones directly over my “business”. It aggrevates when I actively flex my hips with straight legs or when I extend my upper body backwards when standing. Furthermore I have this pain in the right glute, it isn’t muscular but deep in the hip. And my pubic bones/pelvis is cracking all the time, when moving weight from one leg to the other when standing or whenever I try to squat deep is makes this clicking sounds.

Because I could basicly do the splits both ways 4 months ago and had pretty good flexibility and now it feels so stiff. And muscle tense up to protect something that’s unstable right? And if I just were tight it would feel unstable in my hips and clicking all the time?

I’m doing 3- and 5-step horse stance isometrics concentrating on shoving the knees out and it already helped rebuild my squat/adductor/hamstring strength a little bit.

What do you think?