Daily Mobility Exercises by Dr. Kelly Starrett Forums General Stiff lower back, hypermobile mid-back, uneven shoulders, femoral anterior glide (FAGS) Re: Stiff lower back, hypermobile mid-back, uneven shoulders, femoral anterior glide (FAGS)

AvatarPatrick Thomas

Definitely have alot going on.
Focus on a max of 3 mobs on a day. Spend quality time on a max of 3 things.
You may not be able to do “3rd world squats due to coxa valga. The position within the join may not be possible.  Have you ever been able to perform them?

“Very high volume” is an impacting factor.
Look to changes within your routine.
Are your hips in line?  May need an adjustment.
Are you seeing improvement with the work you are doing?

You reached your tissue tolerance for tight hamstrings.
Were you seeing improvements prior to your injury?
Episode 58: Weird Hamstring Problems and Simple Neurodynmaics
Pro Episode # 36 – Voodoo Floss Series # 3: The High Hamstring
High Hamstring Gnar, Trigger Points, and Up Stream/Down Stream
Episode 104: Hammer Your High Hammy

Are you addressing your back at all?
If something isn’t right with your back the primary engines of the hip and shoulder have compensation.
Episode 249: Improving Hip Extension (And Internal Rotation) for Running
Episode 230: Squatting With Turned Out Feet? Hey Duck Squatter, IR Yourself.

You may need an adjustment to re align your shoulders.
Do you know a chiro in your area?
Shorter sessions with higher frequency throughout the day will help.
Short doses multiple times throughout the day. No days off with mobility.

Did a doctor diagnosis Anterior Glide Syndrome (FAGS)?
Were you given a plan for this?