Daily Mobility Exercises by Dr. Kelly Starrett Forums General Stiff lower back, hypermobile mid-back, uneven shoulders, femoral anterior glide (FAGS) Re: Stiff lower back, hypermobile mid-back, uneven shoulders, femoral anterior glide (FAGS)

AvatarChingChin Wang

Thanks for the links.

I found that smashing my high adductor/groin area clears alot of impingement.

Another problem is when doing things like deep squats I get sore in the medial hamstring/adductor Connections, almost like little hamstrings strains, last week I got it just from doing crab walks with my bodyweight! What is causing it and what can I do about it?

Today I did a strength test with my PT, he testet leg extension and flexion, hamstring to quad ratio is in the optimal range.
strength-endurance is about the same on both legs, but max-strength is a lot stronger on the non-injured leg, aswell in leg extension and in leg flexion strength.
How should I program my training to target this issue?

Thanks a lot, really appreciate it!