Daily Mobility Exercises by Dr. Kelly Starrett Forums General Stiff lower back, hypermobile mid-back, uneven shoulders, femoral anterior glide (FAGS) Re: Stiff lower back, hypermobile mid-back, uneven shoulders, femoral anterior glide (FAGS)

AvatarPatrick Thomas

You need to set correct positioning to start every time.
Yes, this can be alot of conscious thought and work at first, however, the changed positioning will become your default positioning as you continue working with it.

Hip flexion
Episode 144: Ze Hip Flexion
Episode 234: Improve Your Proximal Hip Mobility and Nerve Tunnels
Episode 87: Hip Impingement 2: Band Variation

Internal Rotation
Episode 230: Squatting With Turned Out Feet? Hey Duck Squatter, IR Yourself.
Episode 218: Mum, Dad, Don’t Stretch That, It’s Evil…
Episode 239: Hip Extension, Like Pure Melted Gold
Episode 249: Improving Hip Extension (And Internal Rotation) for Running

Yes, ankle restrictions impact. at stage 1. The foundation of the system has restrictions which cause compensations up stream. (person may or may not be aware of what is happening.)