Daily Mobility Exercises by Dr. Kelly Starrett Forums General shoulder pain on ring dips & push-ups but no problem with presses, HSPU, or anything OH??? Re: shoulder pain on ring dips & push-ups but no problem with presses, HSPU, or anything OH???

AvatarPatrick McGuinness

Thank you Cody & Kaitlin!!

I am missing internal rotation and my shoulders are rolled forward. Pretty sure my shoulder capsule is forward but I can’t seem to set it back. I’ve done the sink, banded bully, triple bully, smashing the hell out of my pecs (15 years with implants & not paying attention to posture, I think has led me to where I am now), & kettlebell overhead to try to reset the shoulder capsule (and many many others).

I am loading in order, but it’s still painful, less painful than when I don’t load-order (& just jump in). I’ve got the SP book and am following the info in there, so I know my set-up is perfect…

Thanks Cody for confirming that it’s missing internal rotation & extension!! I think I have done every shoulder mob Kelly has posted or listed!! I will go over all the links Kaitlin posted to be certain I didn’t miss anything. So frustrating to NOT be able to do simple shit but able to do complex shit! Dipping out of a MU doesn’t cause the pain I get from JUST ring dips. I feel retarded!

Thanks again, it’s a great start!