Daily Mobility Exercises by Dr. Kelly Starrett Forums Shoulder Shoulder issues with presses getting serious enough it’s affecting other lifts Re: Shoulder issues with presses getting serious enough it’s affecting other lifts

AvatarBen Cagle

Some other details:  I’m 33 years old and while I pitched until I was 20 (2 years in college) I haven’t moved much since then.  Started Crossfit 7 months ago.  I have bad posture….slumped forward my whole life but have been trying to correct it the past couple weeks.  It will take serious time, bad habit.  Also I  sit in front of a computer all day and my posture there is poor as well, working on it as well.  

Could it be lack of mobility in my chest/front shoulder that’s causing undue stress on my back shoulder/scapula area?  A couple years ago I was more into running and many times when I would run 4+ miles I’d get this same soreness but not nearly as bad.