AvatarNathan Richer

hmm lots of thoughts! 

1. if you still have you pain and you are now in the gym, i would strongly considering backing off. laying reps and load on poor mobility/stability and poor movement patterns is going to increase your chances of injury or aggravating your current position.  i would instead do only bodyweight until these things were perfect with only your bodyweight. 
2. i went back and reread your original post. it is possible that you have a disc(s) problem which is sending pain down your leg, as well as in your back and hip. have you gone to someone to get an MRI done on your back?  if it is a disc problem, you may not see progress until this is addressed as the disc may be hitting nerve bundles which are causing muscles to contract outside of your control.
3. when it comes to lordosis of the lumbar spine, it is both a soft tissue and a motor control problem.  as for soft tissue, are you doing the couch stretch? tight hip flexors can prevent you from getting out of lordosis.  motor control is about proper spinal alignment and training your body to maintain this over time (ie. posture work).
4. this then leads to your question about professionals and methods. 
There are many ways to skin the cat. The list is very full of methods which can help you. but a lot of it really depends on person who is treating you, and how dedicated you are (ie. how much time spent, how much $$ you’re willing to spend) to the method to really give it go. I think many people start a method and give up way too soon because they expect results too fast, or they really weren’t willing to break their own bad habits.
some methods are really about addressing symptoms and not the root cause. as much as i love ART and graston, they fall into that category as well as pure chiro adjustments. they are short term fixes to remove the pain but don’t prevent it from coming back. this is why i love MWOD so much. they are a lot about fixing both the short term and the long term. but it still comes down to the professional and their mastery and implementation.
so i would go to Roop (seeing him next week!), but i would make sure i checked out the guy who just took the CF Mobility and Movement Trainer seminar. just because they took the class or knew all the smashes doesn’t mean they have the experience/knowledge to address your problem.
i’ve gone to good chiros and bad chiros. i’ve gone to people who knew nothing but what they were trained in, and found through trial and error the people who went beyond what they knew now and could better treat my issues. I think that referrals are the way to go to check out professionals. i would ask around the MWOD community on who is good and who is not.  you may need to try a bunch of people and see if a person (and a method) resonates with you.
as for the methods themselves, i think everyone has their favorites which has worked for them. i think that the constraints would be your location and who is close to you, and potentially how much money you can and are willing to spend. many of these would not be covered by insurance.
so tell me, which methods have practictioners close to you?
it would seem to me that methods you would want to get into are those that help with your posture.  I have had good success with Gokhale although i felt they were also missing some things which I filled in with MWOD principles. I know Foundation Training is pretty good and have heard good things about PRI. there are many others out there working on posture as well. I personally have been really impressed by DNS trained professionals (Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization http://www.rehabps.com) and am working on a cert in that right now. I have also heard good things about Somatics (http://www.hannasomatics.com). it is likely that your breathing is an issue and a hidden cause of your problems.  DNS talks a lot about breathing properly via the abdomen – other methods overlook this very important aspect.
then i would fill in with things like ART, graston and weekly chiro treatments to address the short term pain issues until you improve your posture. 