Daily Mobility Exercises by Dr. Kelly Starrett Forums General Marc Pro – Anyone know how this works vs. a TENS unit? Re: Marc Pro – Anyone know how this works vs. a TENS unit?


I have asked them – no response yet. 

It’s interesting that they say “slowly releases them over a period of time.” All the video’s I’ve seen of the Marc Pro in action don’t seem to release the muscles slowly. The contractions seem to “look” the same as those created with a TENS unit. These are the things that spark some questions and have started myself and a few friends thinking about the detailed differences.

It’s probably more than we need to know – but we’re geeks in multiple senses; numbers, statistics, physics, biology and physiology. So we enjoy learning this kind of stuff- especially when it involves investing a lot of money. We don’t mind doing it, we just want to know all the in’s and out’s before purchases near the $1k mark start to happen.

I’ll be sure to post any response I get from them on here.