Daily Mobility Exercises by Dr. Kelly Starrett Forums General Lower Abs Issue with running and L-Sit (WEIRD?!?!?!?!) Re: Lower Abs Issue with running and L-Sit (WEIRD?!?!?!?!)

AvatarNathan Richer

Hey Brian, questions:

1. what do you mean by “don’t see any improvement” exactly? can’t increase time in L-sit? can’t run beyond a certain distance or time? can you be more specific?
2. in saying “stop being able to do these things”, can you be more specific? what exactly happens when you reach your limit? in L-sit i can imagine that you can’t hold your legs up any more – does it become too sore to hold the legs up? does it hurt?
with running, what happens? does it tighten up so much that you can’t move your legs any more? or something else?
3. how is your posture? any extension or flexion in lumbar or thoracic spine when you’re sitting and standing?
4. what does your breathing look like? if i were to ask you to take a deep breath in and then let it out and video yourself, what do you look like? where in your body do you take in the breath? or what moves when you take in the breath?