Daily Mobility Exercises by Dr. Kelly Starrett Forums General Low back/SI Joint/Hip reoccurring issues (aka typical low back injury) Re: Low back/SI Joint/Hip reoccurring issues (aka typical low back injury)

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I’ll keep you updated. I am 4/10 sessions through the rolfing. As far as exercises right now, glute activation, pelvic stability and awareness and core to extremity movement. I chose this route because both of these people saw the same thing and have dealt with it before. So far I have corrected some midline bracing flaws. I’m still waiting for the si, glute, leg issues to subside, but we haven’t gotten there yet in the rolfing series.
My PT is having me wear and SI belt. I’m not sure how effective it is, but what the heck, it’s worth a shot. 24/7 for 3 months.
Strength training is on hold until I am pain free. Then I’ll probably start the mwod style rehab. Category 1 movements only.