Daily Mobility Exercises by Dr. Kelly Starrett Forums General Low back/SI Joint/Hip reoccurring issues (aka typical low back injury) Re: Low back/SI Joint/Hip reoccurring issues (aka typical low back injury)

AvatarSteve Jenkins

I think one of the big problems with talking about low back injuries is that it doesn’t always seem like the same thing for everyone, there’s no one thing that fixes it for everyone. But, I wonder if it would be possible to come up with some sort of template or process for people to go through and determine their own recovery plan.

For example, assuming strength discrepancy and tightness is present I would think attempt to resolve the tightness and strengthen the weak area would get people back up and going. My questions are: What is actually tight? What’s weak? How to we permanently resolve the tightness? What do we need put in place to get/keep “it” strong?