Daily Mobility Exercises by Dr. Kelly Starrett Forums Knee Left knee pain on tibial tuberosity after basketball Re: Left knee pain on tibial tuberosity after basketball

AvatarJason Clark

First of all
thanks for responding to my post. Much appreciated!….Where would one go to
get their running technique analyzed? I try to do  what the videos says at least 3 times a week
but I can make it a daily thing if that would assist in making this annoying
pain go away. As for icing, I rarely do it but when I do it, it is because the
area around the tibial tuberosity appears to be inflamed and I reluctantly do
it because that’s what ive always done and been instructed to do. Habit I guess.
Ive never been a fan of icing, just been told to… I read your response before I
worked out today and in my warmup on the treadmill which is in front of a
mirror I noticed my feet kind of flare out when I run. Not sure what that means
or what I should be working on. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.  Anyways, thanks for your 