Daily Mobility Exercises by Dr. Kelly Starrett Forums General Hip(?) (Iliopsoas? Pectineus?)issues in deep squat with upright torso Re: Hip(?) (Iliopsoas? Pectineus?)issues in deep squat with upright torso

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No problems with sitting cross legged, and I do the couch stretch all of the time. No problem – I can’t access the pro-episodes. Haven’t noticed a problem pulling my leg into flexion.

It may also simply be that I’ve pulled something and need to let it heal. My coach had me do something yesterday that was a bit different and there was no pain. I am a competitive kettlebell sport lifter (GS), and thankfully none of my usual work seems to bother it. I DO, at times, feel soreness there where my inner thigh connects when I am seated at my computer, but that is getting less and less.