Daily Mobility Exercises by Dr. Kelly Starrett Forums General Hip(?) (Iliopsoas? Pectineus?)issues in deep squat with upright torso Re: Hip(?) (Iliopsoas? Pectineus?)issues in deep squat with upright torso

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I did break out the foam roller tonight again, and rolled my adductors for the first time in awhile. I wasn’t sure that I should have done that before. I did find tenderness when I was rolling it, looking at an anatomy chart it looks like the tenderness is in either the Adductor Longus or Magnus (or both). It isn’t painful, just tender. I did tweak my knee on that leg last month and while that has calmed down, I do wonder if that is somehow related. Thankfully the adductor symptoms have decreased a lot over the last couple of days and as long as I don’t do something stupid I think it will be fine. I’ve never done this before however, I wish I knew what caused it…