
Yes, you should be rolling stretching it if this makes it feel better.
I would stay away from the anti inflamatory meds.
If you aren’t addressing what is causing it to be inflammed the inflamation will continue to occur.
Have you hit anything up/downstream of the issue?
Are you doing anything to improve the skin sliding surfaces?
Pro Episode # 36 – Voodoo Floss Series # 3: The High Hamstring
Episode 104: Hammer Your High Hammy
High Hamstring Gnar, Trigger Points, and Up Stream/Down Stream
Episode 354: Make Your Own Super Floss/High Hamstring & Hip Gnar Gnar
Episode 137: Best Hip Extensor (High Hammy) Mob and Better Jerk Shoulders
Episode 58: Weird Hamstring Problems and Simple Neurodynmaics
Episode 28: Better Rowing: High Hamstrings Part 1
Episode 28: Better Rowing: High Hamstrings Part 2