Daily Mobility Exercises by Dr. Kelly Starrett Forums General Help us pass our Leopard Test (ankles ROM is terrible, wondering what else needs work) Re: Help us pass our Leopard Test (ankles ROM is terrible, wondering what else needs work)

Maja GrayMaja Gray

Hey David – 

Thanks for such a thoughtful response. It’s funny, up until watching these vids I thought my shoulders were plenty mobile – but now I see my rib cage shooting out there. I’ll start hitting t-spine, lateral seam, and first rib areas to see if I can fix those shoulders. 
I guess I was assuming the butt wink was all about the lack of ankle dorsiflexion. I’ve been working on my splits since Jan 1. Guess I need to keep hitting adductors and hip flexion too. 
I’ll update with new vids in a couple weeks! Thanks again.