AvatarPatrick Thomas

If tight hips are not a new situation it can take some time to see lasting change.
In the beginning you may need more than one session throughout the day.
Re setting things throughout the day.
Do you sit alot?
Are you working up and down stream of the hip?
If you have access to someone who does IASTM that will help.

There may be some positioning or movement patterns which need attention.
Look at things in life as well as they gym.

Keep chipping away at it. Dose response.
A couple to check out. There are many that will help.
Episode 234: Improve Your Proximal Hip Mobility and Nerve Tunnels
Episode 269: On the Spot MobRx for Tight Hips

Thursday, November 10th, 2016 – Hip Flexion

You may be going too deep.
Are you able to breath in the position?