
Good to hear your forearm is improving.
He may have needed to hit it more aggressively the first time to get it kick started to change and if there was start tissue there when its first worked on it can be painful. Things get moving and there could be alot in there. Make sure you are drinking alot. More than usual as there can be toxins in your blood from getting things moving again or more than they have been. And from scar tissue starting to break up. Need to get the system flushed. And do the same for the next couple of days. Make sure you are getting protein as this is needed for muscle repair. You can experience more soreness if your body doesn’t have what it needs to repair/recover from the day.
Pro Episode # 32 – VooDoo Floss Series #1, Theory and Elbow
Pro Episode # 34 – Voodoo Floss Primer: Elbow Part 2.
Banish Your Elbow Bench, Dip, Pull Up Pain, You Don’t Really Play Golf or Tennis Do You?
Burpee Smoked Elbows? Epicondylitis-ness? Voodoo it.
You are hitting the next layer of things. As one starts getting resolved others can show up.
Getting everything resolved may take some time, but it will stay resolved.
Keep working through it with ART and things on you own.